On Sun, 13 Jul 2003 16:16:22 +0800, Bjorn Vang Jensen
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>If you know who it is, then please let us all know, with proof, of course.
>Then we can give him the pasting he deserves, and then we can move on.

Proof?  Like a physical erased tape?  :-)

>Although I haven't done the research (not lazy, just have 3 kids in the
>house, all of whom want to use the computer:-)),

I know.  Having 3 kids (obviously from a lot of screwing around <G>)
deteriorated your READING comprehension too.  8:)

My exact statement was this:
RF>  I have now established that the true identity of the poster whom I
RF>  call CHICKEN SHIT (for short) is known, because he injudiciously
RF>  bragged to others on the LIST privately, thus revealing his true
RF>  identity.

Haven't heard of Deep Throat in the Nixon caper?

We have our own "Deep Throat".  I have absolutely no reason NOT
to believe what this DT told me in email.  HE and AT LEAST
another on this list knows the REAL identity of CHICKEN SHIT,
not me, YET.

This is the EVIDENCE:

On my inncent remark, WITHOUT asking:

RF>  But I think you KNOW the person who did it, whether you know
RF>  who that person is, or not

"Deep Throat" volunteered:

DT>  "Yes I do know who sent it.  < ... snip ...>"

DT>  "It was a little later that the individual sent me an email
     telling me how he loved to fuck with you. He told me that
     he also had told another list member so at least two of us
     know who he is"

That's my "proof".

Now there are two diametrically opposed theories about private
communication in e-mail.

On the one hand, Hugh Huntzinger in Scuba-L finally admitted that
he held a PERMANENT GRUDGE against me for having revealed that
he faked posts and time stamps when he was blackmailed by
Cochran's shill about posting on the job.

I revealed this LONG after his job was no longer threatedned and
the Cochran affair and shills were widely know.  Hugh's
permanant grudge (still in force) led to his clandestin plot
with Nick, to have a public vote to outst me.

The other theory is Don Ward's that he OWNED anything I emailed
him, and threatened to discribute my private email to anyone
who requested them  -- which would have been okay with me, except
his revolting assertion/stance which is which is completely anti-
netiquette.   I had absolutely NOTHING to be ashamed of or hide
in ANY of those 4 emails in question.

That was what led me to my deep disdain for Don, not only for
his stance but for his inability to discuss anything in an OPEN
FORUM without a censor!

On this matter, I am more on Hugh's side.  If someone confides
something to me privately and made it a point to keep it private,
then it remains PRIVATE, even at gun point!

On the other hand, if someone makes some statement of FACTS to
me, as "Deep Throat" did, WITHOUT saying anything about keeping
that private, I use my own DISCRETION:  that "Deep Throat"
must be a trusted friend of thie CHICKEN SHIT.

Since there are MULTIPLE readers who know who this CHICKEN SHIT
is, there is no need for me to reveal his (or their) identity, in
the same manner Woodward would not reveal the identity of Nizon's
Deep Throat.

That's why I said in my post for Robert Lung to reveal HIMSELF and
speak up.  As for the Deep Throats, while they are "accomplices"
to CHICKEN SHIT in this Caper if they choose to keep quiet about
CHICKEN SHIT's identity, I'll leave it to their discretion for the
time being.

Perhaps THEY'll persuade Robert Lung to speak up for himself --
given the growing interest <G> in this matter.

But I am happy to let this prolong for awhile, so that EVERYONE
will know that we (the vast majority) DO NOT CONDONE that kind
of disguised sniper acts, in THIS LIST, where "free speech"
and ABSENCE of "censorship" prevails, and is SELF GOVERNED,
as most LISTSERV LISTS such as this one, are.

>this thread, if unchecked,
>could see Scuba-L overtake us in diving-related posts :-)

So let them have their 15 minutes of recognition.  :-)

-- Bob.