On Sat, 12 Jul 2003 23:21:39 -0400, Don Ward <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Welcome back Mika, good to see your reading the list again.

You've been out of touch with reality for quite awhile now.

You've posted EXACTLY 13 tiems in Scuba-SE this year, hardly all
about SCUBA, 11 of which since June, and NOTHING between January
and June.

Mika has been a REGULAR contributor in Scuba-SE this year, and
before.  He had 191 posts in Scuba-SE this year, appearing at
least a couple dozen times each month except April when he was
on his long trek to Oz, diving with Strike and Viv.

Mika has posted more about SCUBA DIVING and SCUBA related
subjects this year than Don Ward had posted in his LIFE TIME
(putting together Don Ward's LIFE TIME scuba contribution to
Scuba-L and Scuba-SE).

The Pot who calls the Kettle black is very black indeed, while
the alleged Kettle appears to be lily white to me, by comparison.

Don, for someone who is supposed to be a lawyer, you have
certainly exhibited OVER AND OVER again your lack of FACTS
(and LAZINESS or INCOMPETENCE in taking 30 seconds to look up
those FACTS, as I cited in the preceding paragraphs) before
shooting your mouth publicly.

You wouldn't be so misguided had you done a bit more research
on FACTS relating to these two lists.

Why don't you just stay over there in your Dominitix-guarded
playpen, ravel with your companionship with Jan and the like,
and preach your gospel about non-Scuba-L there, instead of
dropping in here to troll?

BTW, did Robert Lung write you a private email bragging about
"how he loved to fuck with" me too?

Will any of AT LEAST THREE long-time members of Scuba-L/SE
who now KNOW the identity of this CHICKEN SHIT who posted under
the name of Robert Lung reveal the true identity of this cretin
so that he can speak up his mind publicly without having to
forge a name as a sniper, while bragging underground about it?

I think LOTS of readers in Scuba-SE would like to see and hear
Robert Lung's side of the story, don't you Don?

Do drop in and visit us more often.  There's no one to censor
your here, if you can stand that thought and feel very insecure
about not having your mother-dominitrix watching over everyone.

Cheer, as they say.

-- Bob.