
I have a COBOL program which does a Transact call of some sort (can't
remember which one now) which in turn calls VOPENFORMF.  This works fine
using VPLUS but if we use a VPLUS emulator, we can see (from a log file)
that it calls VOPENFORMF which returns success but Transact then displays
the following error -

*ERROR: TERMINAL or FORMSFILE has not yet been opened.

If I mess up the emulators forms file so that VOPENFORMF fails then I get
this message -

*ERROR: Forms File open failed. (FSERR 0)

So the original message isn't because it can't open the form.

I've written a COBOL program to open the same forms file and displayed all
the fields in the comarea and they look the same from VPLUS and the

Any idea what's causing Transact to fail?  Does it think the VOPENFORMF
hasn't returned a correct value somewhere?  Or is it doing some other non
VPLUS intrinsic that is perhaps failing?  (It's not VOPENTERM as that isn't
being called).

The VPLUS emulation has only been used with COBOL before.  Will Transact be
passing values differently?  I wouldn't have thought so as I think VPLUS
defines how you should send information to it and it's up to the language to
pass it in that format.

Any suggestions welcome!



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