On Fri, 20 Jun 2003 17:07:49 +1000, David Strike
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>On Friday, June 20, 2003 4:47 PM, Reef Fish wrote:
>> With all the good "deals" on cruises, I almost booked a 19-21 day
>> "Tropical Australian" cruise of Cairns to Auckland OR Aukland to
>> Sydney, which appeared to be very popular among the passengers on
>> the Tahitian cruise.
>Mate!  While Viv's away - and not able to defend them folks living in the
>Land of the Long White Cloud' - I can't help thinking that any trip going
>from New Zealand to Australia can't help but be more popular than them
>going in the other direction!  :-)))))

Ah, you Tricky Old Bastard!  :-)  You were prejudiced against the one
you thought had left out Sydney.  :-)))   Actually they have more or
less the same ports of call, in different orders.

The one that started in Cairns and end in Aukland actually goes to
Duck Island and SIlly Oaks in Days 2 to 6, and stops in Sydney on
Day 7, doing the Opera House and Bondi Beach (no SHELLY Beach :-)))))
before heading out from Sydney to the land of the Kiwi birds.

-- Bob.