On Wed, 7 May 2003 12:46:39 -0500 (Central Daylight Time), "Newton,
Ernie" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>We're going to a model 20 this Saturday and I am curious...
>We are configuring the first drive to be the system drive,
>and are using the next eight, saving the last one as a
>recovery drive, so we're mirroring 9 drives.

Are you saying you are making 9 RAID-1 sets? I believe that exceeds
the number of LUNs available on the Model 20.

Defining the right number of LUNs to make, and what RAID level they
should use, it very dependent on how much usable disk space you need,
how many disk mechanisms and what size they are, and to some degree if
you are using non-system volume sets or not (if you are using just
MPEXL_SYSTEM_VOLUME_SET, this may be a good time to evaluate this
strategy, since are basically going to be doing a system reload to
move to the Model 20, and that's the best time to do any user volume
sets that you might want).

>After everything is configured, and installed, do I just need to
>do a "restore @[log in to unmask]@"??

Basically you need to follow the same procedure you would use if you
were replacing a failed LDEV 1. Seems like it would be a complete
install, followed by the appropriate restore procedures that you have
set up as part of your defined, tested, disaster recovery plan (you
have one of those, don't you?)

>Is the mirroring invisible?  Are there administrative tasks that
>will need to be done?

All the administration is done directly on the Model 20, usually
before your MPE system is even connected to it. Your MPE system will
see each LUN defined on your Model 20 as a separate physical device,
and you use SYSGEN to create an LDEV which points to that LUN. MPE
won't know if that LUN is a RAID-1 set, a RAID-5 set, or a single
disk. It's transparent to MPE.

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