In article <[log in to unmask]>, Edward Effinger
<[log in to unmask]> writes:

>Hi all.
>We're just looking at Coldfusion from Macrmedia here and I wondered if
>anyone has any experience with using this product along with the HP.
>Things of interest would be compatability, performance, robustness and
>We are using MB-Fosters Uda-Link to provide odbc/jdbc access to our
>Image db's.
>Thanks in advance to any replies.
>Ed Effinger
>Senior Programmer/Analyst
>Information Technology
>Computer Systems
>Conestoga College

We know Macromedia will work and also have recently finished some work with
Websphere and have customers trying out iPlanet and other application servers.

If there is anything we can do just give us a call.

To reply remember to drop the nospam from the address ...

Best Regards,
Birket Foster
M. B. Foster Associates .. the 1-800-ANSWERS people!
Supplying UDALink w/cross-platform ODBCLink Option (3000,9000&NT)
See how DataExpress has evolved
EC/EDI(3000,9000,NT) Phone (613) 448-2333 or (613) 448-2588(FAX)

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