Eric Sand wrote:

>     Here is a listing of a ping script I use once in awhile, contributed
> by none other than Patrick Santucci. Haven't seen a posting from him
> lately, but I hope all is well.

I'm quite well, thanks. I've just been extremely busy here at Cornerstone.
(Gotta get rid of some of these extra "hats" somehow...) I don't have time
to read the list much anymore, just kind of scan it now and then. I was
quite surprised to see my name mentioned, in fact.

The PING command file went through several revisions after I first posted
it, since I received some suggestions back. Here's the latest version (note
that it hasn't been updated since 1999, and probably should be!).

---8<--- Begin copying after this line ---8<---
parm node="" packets=5 pktsize=128
# PING.XEQ.SYS   v1.4   10-20-1999 by Patrick Santucci
# See Revision History at end of file.
# This file is a front end for the two PING utilities provided by HP.
# It determines whether you are pinging by node name or IP address and
# calls the appropriate utility based on that.
if "!node" = "" then
  # Let me explain how this works...
  echo Syntax:
  echo PING !<Nodename_or_Address!> [# of packets] &
       [packet size (bytes)]
  echo                             (default: 5)     &
       (default: 128)
  echo Examples:
  echo PING hewey 3 256             sends 3 packets of 256 bytes each
  echo PING            sends 5 packets of 128 bytes each
  echo PING 20 64     sends 20 packets of 64 bytes each
if not numeric(word("!node",".")) then
  # This is a node name. We'll use NETTOOL.NET.SYS and assume the
  # system is using some sort of name resolution service, like
  # external DNS or a HOSTS (/etc/hosts) file.
  # Build a temp file to use as input to NETTOOL, in case the
  # node name is not resolved.
  echo quit >pinginpt
  # Now run NETTOOL and see if we can PING! 'ping;size !pktsize;number !packets;&
  ping !node;quit' <pinginpt
  # This is a numeric IP address, hopefully a valid one.
  # We'll use PING.NET.SYS because it's quicker and easier.
  # Include instructions on stopping in case user sends 1000
  # packets or something equally heinous.
  echo *** Type Ctrl+Y to stop ***
  run;info="!node, !packets, !pktsize"
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Revision History:
# v1.4 10-20-99 - Fixed an error introduced in v1.2 where an invalid
#                 node name (i.e. one that isn't resolved by DNS or
#                 /etc/hosts file) left you stranded inside NETTOOL
#                 with the error "Rest of commands ignored". Got around
#                 this by using redirection of an additional "quit"
#                 command in addition to the stacked INFO string.
# v1.3 10-15-99 - Changed POS() construction to use WORD() string
#                 function per Jeff Vance's suggestion.
# v1.2 10-14-99 - Changed NETTOOL portion to use stacked INFO= with
#                 implied run instead of redirected input, per
#                 Greg Stigers' suggestion.
#               - Decided I better include revision history in the
#                 command file since I'm incorporating other people's
#                 ideas.
# v1.1 10-05-99 - Consolidated PINGIP and PINGDNS files into
#                 the calling file, PING. Better to have only
#                 one file to maintain. :-)
#               - Added syntax help for the CI-challenged.
# v1.0 10-01-99 - Initial command file(s). Don't need to check the
#                 'packets' and 'pktsize' parms because the HP-supplied
#                 programs do that just fine.  :-)
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Patrick Santucci
HP e3000 Systems Administrator
Computer Operations Team Lead
Networking Services Department
Cornerstone Brands, Inc.

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