Jeff Kell ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
: Wirt Atmar wrote:
: > Although the people who are doing this are getting quite clever about how
: > they're going about this kind of thing, sometimes an amateur slips in and
: > sends out his scurilous little bit of email out to everyone in the clear,
: > as the one I've attached below did.
: This was a virus, W32/Gibe.gen@MM, which McAfee recognized but there is
: no reference on their website yet, but there is information available at
: Symantec:
: http:[log in to unmask]
: The virus came from =

Also documented at:
   F-Secure Computer Virus Information Pages: Gibe.B

The worm claims to be a software update from Microsoft, who does NOT
send software updates by email:
   Microsoft Policies on Software Distribution

  "...Microsoft never distributes software directly via e-mail..."

--Jerry Leslie   (my opinions are strictly my own)
  Note: [log in to unmask] is invalid for email

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