Well bring on back the HP3000, MPE & IMAGE... you listening HP?

"F. Alfredo Rego" <[log in to unmask]> wrote in message
> Carly is probably too subtle in her remarks, but she might have
> been thinking of MPE-IMAGE:
> Some tidbits from the article:
>     "Customers now realize that it is not the glamour of technology
>     that is most important; it is return on technology that is most
>     important," Fiorina said.
>     Customers are no longer interested in "hot boxes and the latest
>     killer apps," but want to lower their technology costs and align
>     IT with business requirements. HP can offer that, Fiorina told a
>     record 3,970 attendees at the company's annual European event.
>     "What I take home from this keynote is that she talked a lot
>     about return on investment," Olsen said. "This change away from
>     hot boxes and killer apps is especially true for large companies.
>     Small companies still look for the best feeling when buying IT."
>     "Fiorina relates technology to actual life really well. It is no
>     more technology for the technology's sake, it is technology for
>     actual business," said Kullab.
> Good job, Carly.
>    _______________
>   |               |
>   |               |
>   |            r  |  Alfredo                     [log in to unmask]
>   |          e    |                           http://www.adager.com
>   |        g      |  F. Alfredo Rego
>   |      a        |  Manager, R & D Labs
>   |    d          |  Adager Corporation
>   |  A            |  Sun Valley, Idaho 83353-3000            U.S.A.
>   |               |
>   |_______________|
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