On Wed, 12 Mar 2003 13:14:43 -0500, Bruce Collins <[log in to unmask]>

>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Denys Beauchemin" <[log in to unmask]>
>>Whilst I am the first one to refer to the French government over the last
>century as a bunch of "brie-eating surrender monkeys," this in no way means
>the individual French soldiers and officers are "poules mouillees."
>That's okay, on This Hour Has 22 Minutes (a Canadian satirical news show)
>last night they referred to the Americans as, "the biggest crowd of
>sanctimonious piss-pious, God-fathering, flag sucking friggers that ever
>walked or crawled across the face of this planet.", but I'm sure that no
>individual Americans would take offence.

Just as I take no offense when being called a kraut or pickelhelm.
only when being called a "nazi" or similar things
by the way, I like sauerkraut ;-)

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