On Mon, 10 Mar 2003 15:45:14 -0500, Brice Yokem <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Tim asks:
>> Again I ask, name one country that spends more on these two diseases than
>> the US
>As it's written, the question is misphrased. There are very few countries
>the world with larger populations than the US, and certainly none that come
>close to its economic size, thus the question has to be normalized as
>a matter of spending per capita or as percentage of GDP. In either case,
>there are dozens of countries that invest more than does the US.
>Come on Wirt!  Now you are telling Tim what question he can ask?
>Or how he is allowed to ask them?
>His grammar is acceptable, and that is the end of it.  The answer is
>'No one spends more than the USA on this'.  I want to see you post
>that answer, can you?

then you must also accept such comparisons.
Not my opinion but somebody's comparision.
Compare apples with apples and with fruit-salad.

Compare the two nations. How many nations has Iraq invaded under its
present leadership?

Answer: Two. First Iran, with the eager backing of the United States, which
supplied it with chemical and biological weapons (and now proposes to use
the same weapons to attack Iraq for using chemical and biological weapons
of mass destruction). Second, Kuwait, which was stealing Iraqi oil, and
anyway, the claim that it is a part of Iraq is legitimate; Kuwait, Iraq and
Saudi Arabia were all created arbitrarily by the oil companies (as was
Saudi Arabia).

Then, how many countries has America invaded and used weapons of mass
destruction against during the same time period.

Answer: Try 13. Grenada 1983, Lebanon 1983, 1984 (both Lebanese and Syrian
targets), Libya 1986, El Salvador 1980s, Nicaragua 1980s, Iran 1987, Panama
1989, Iraq 1991-2000, Somalia 1993, Bosnia 1994, 1995, Sudan 1998,
Afghanistan 1998, Yugoslavia 1999. (Thanks to William Blum, "Rogue State.")

It is not Iraq that has weapons of mass destruction and uses them against
its neighbors. It is the United States.

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