On Sun, 23 Mar 2003 08:04:20 -0500, Michael Doelle
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Kilkenny Kid said:
>>All along the Rhein are lovely towns & loads to see. If my memory
>serves me correct there are 22 castles between Mainz (where the rivers
>& Rhein meet) and Koblenz (which are only an hours drive apart).  Plus
>little residual bomb damage, although Mainz did get a bit of a pasting
>areas there are damage free; even  Mainz still has lots of cobbled streets
>& pedestrian areas, plus some amazing Catherdrals. It is also the
>birthplace of Johannes Gutenberg, inventor of the movable type printing
>press and has a musuem dedicated to printing which is quite interesting,
>also houses the oldest printed bible in the world.
>Sounds about right.  Come have a look Bob.

I'm a frayed knot.

The possible visit next week was motivated primary by the $242
roundtrip ticket to Frankfurt, applicable only before March 31.
These are all sold out.

The same roundtrip in May is now at $764.

So, the beer gardens and castles will have to wait for another war
in the future.

-- Bob.