On Fri, 21 Mar 2003 21:25:19 +1100, David Strike
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Mate!  Allow me to vent some personal spleen about this "war".  Even
>although Australia has committed troops, our commitment seems to have been
>ignored by CNN and the BBC.  Although it's all under wraps, apparently the
>Oz SAS were the first into Iraq to 'spot' targets - and take them out when
>possible - but are receiving no acknowledgement.  (Mainly because the
>numbers of media representatives from the USA and UK outnumber Australia's
>military contribution to the fray!) :-))))

How do you think the OTHER (originally 29, now fancy accounting upped
it to 39) countries in the coalition think about the reporting of
THEIR roll?  :-)  How many people do you think can name as many as
FIVE of the other 39 countries?

But the most ridiculous of all bias-reporting in an attempt to make
Saddam look bad was the theory that the picture of Saddam reading a
text on TV was not Saddam (rumored injured) because he was wearing

How many here know what Strike looks like when he reads something??

That's only second to demanding Saddam leave his own country when
he got 100% of the votes to presidency (as opposed to only 99%+ in
previous years).  :-)  Can any of you imagine Saddam demanding
Bush to leave the USA because he won the Presidency even without
winning the Popular votes?

As I said, the only redeeming value of this "war", or any "war", is
the cheaper travel deals I can get while others are killing each
other.  As for the killing and be killed, I suppose it's THEIR
'bitness' to me as divers kill themselves <ob scuba>.

Have a hoss-piss or three on me, when you meet with Tricky.  :-))

-- Bob.