Leonard S. Berkowitz wrote:
> Is there a utility on the HP3000 that can be used to strip off the
> ENV records from spoolfiles?

I don't know about any utilities, but I have a Cobol program that does
this (as just part of its mission to make copies of spool files with
various options).  I have not spent a great deal of time trying to
prove that it could never fail, but it hasn't yet.

The degree of difficulty in removing ENV file info from the spool file
depends on which method you use to create the ENV files.  If you
created the ENV file using TTUTIL, then the spool file just contains
the name of the ENV file, which is pretty easy to find and remove.

If you used editor to create the ENV file, then the PCL commands
themselves are embedded in the spool file, and it takes a little extra
work to remove them.  Someone suggested that you could not be sure
where the PCL started and ended; as I mentioned above, so far I have
not had any problem with this.  But if you really wanted to be sure
you knew where they started and ended, you could create your ENV files
with known beginning and ending records.  (When you use editor to
create your ENV files, you can break the PCL into as many logical
records as you like.)  HP recommends starting and ending each ENV file
with the EscapeE and the Escape%-12345X PCL commands.  If you did
that, and made those commands separate records in the ENV file, I
think you would have no trouble being certain where your ENV file data
started and ended ... and no trouble removing the records.

John Pollard
j underscore pollard at mindspring dot com

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