On Fri, 21 Feb 2003 09:01:29 +1100, David Strike <[log in to unmask]>

>On  Thursday, February 20, 2003 5:04 PM, Reef Fish wrote:
>> On Wed, 19 Feb 2003 19:11:57 +1100, David Strike
<[log in to unmask]>

>> You Pommie Bastard!!  :-))
> Mate, Purleeze!  I'm an Ozzie Bastard - until the Poms start winning at
> Cricket again!  :-)))

Okay.  I'll retract the Pommie part, your OLD Bastard!  :-)))

>> Since our NEW (once used) MX-10 flooded and I had told the manufacturer
>> to smash it to smitherines with the biggest hammer they could find,
>> instead of paying for a repair bill that cost nearly as much as the
>> purchase of a new one (Sea&Sea probably sold the repaired flooded one
>> as new, and wait for the next victim), we are now the proud owner
>> (so far so good) of the bottom of the line UW digital camera, the
>> SeaLife ReefMaster 200, which Sue took plenty of picture of crow in
>> dark forests in the Coral Seas (Oz) and the archipelagos of French
>> Polynesia, as well as many colorless color-pics.
>> The internal flash, just as that of the MX-10, just wasn't enough for
>> anything more than two feet away.
>Janet's been using a 'Light & Motion' video light with her camera.

Hey Strike, you forgot you're addressing a clueless, bottom-of-the-
line point-and-shoot Bastard!

( snip )

>> So, we now have an external strobe attachment, waiting for its premier
>> tryout, in Coz, and the pics of the Caballitos Grandes should offer
>> a comparison of the quality of our former MX-10 vs the present
>> ReefMaster.
>I always thought there were difficulties in linking a strobe to a
>digital camera?? :-)

We'll have to wait for the verdict one our strobe gets WET.   But
any strobe who instruction manual says NEVER to grease any of the
O-rings can blame it on us for not greasing the O-rings.  :-)  As
for attachment -- AFAIK, it took Sue about 5 seconds -- once whe
found the hole at the bottom of the housing where the arm of the
strobe was supposed to be attached, with the turn of a built-in
screw.  So far, it seems to be IDIOT-proof ... but as the old saying
goes ... never mind ... I can't stand the thought of Ron Lee the
IDIOT popping in here should I use that jihad word once too often.

-- Bob.