On Tue, 11 Feb 2003 15:43:01 -0500, Michael Doelle
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Bob wrote:
>>You apparently know a lot more about this aspects of it than I do.
>All I can say is that Ernie is a NICE GUY for doing the Cochran
>similations for me without charging me anything -- his technical
>expertise and integrity showed in whateer little dealing I had
>with him.<
>Can't really say I know a lot more. Just had a few chats with him in the
>CIS  ScubaForum days. Nice guy, never tried to advertise there.

My assessment of this guy being NICE is far beyond not spamming in
scuba forums.  :-)  As I said, my impression of him being nice is
more no a no-nonsense, competent, and helpful way.

> Most people there probably didn't even know who the guy was.

That's because he was the technician behind the scene.  Not the
sales and marketing people who do most of the talking and know
little about how the product actually RUNS.  Sort of like the
space-shuttle industry.  The astronauts get the visibility and
the "hero" status.   They are just a step up from the apes, doing
their button-pushing jobs in space. :-))

The scientists and techinicians behind the scene get no exposure
at all, except the cliche expression "you don't need to be a rocket
scientist to ..."  :-)  A more accurate expression might have been
"you don't need to be much above average intelligence to be a
rocket scientist".

>But he usually clammed up when quizzed privately about the inner fudge
>factors of the Uwas.

Understandably so.  With the marketing people telling scientific lies
(such as it adapts microbubble theory) on the one hand, people like
Ernie doing the algorithmic implementation with neo-Haldanean
mathematical models, and folks like Buhlmann cooking the FUDGE ...
the best policy for someone working in that environment, and wanting
to keep his job, is to keep the mouth shut!  :-)

Where do you think Frank Marshall (who is the national manager of
Marketing) know about the algorithmic ERRORS except through Ernie
(and someone else, another technician of U, whose name escaped
me now)?

-- Bob.