fred White wrote:

> Begin forwarded message:
>>  I called this "fun quiz" since I know that a lot of
>>  you won't "remember."

I do remember this was posted to this list within the last 6 months, does
that count? :)

[archive search at listserv indicates this is post #113961, dated april 8th,
so ok, make that "9 months" -- guess I'm getting old... ;) ]

>> Older Than Dirt Quiz - Count all the ones
>>  that you remember-not the ones you were told about!
>>  Ratings at the bottom.
[snipping 1-19; same as previous list 4/8/2002]
>>  20. Packards

what, without Hewlett?  [how could I resist for this list?]

The previous list had "Beanie and Cecil" for item 20.  It also stopped at
#25 [also the same as this list]

>>  26. Head lights dimmer switches on the floor.
first few family cars had those -- I think that went till the mid 70's,
early 80's [I'm sure a "google search" would pinpoint when it became "back
in vogue" to have the dimmer switch on either the dash or the steering
column/turn signal lever; I seem to recall from offshoot discussions,
however, that originally the dimmer was NOT mounted to the floor, so that
was only a "temporary innovation"]

>>  27. Ignition switches on the dashboard.
seen in movies only [so I guess that counts as "told about"]
>>  28. Heaters mounted on the inside of the fire wall.
>>  29. Real ice boxes.
>>  30. Pant leg clips for bicycles without chain guards.
I think I still have some [if not, I know they are in my parent's garage --
I've used them before!]
>>  31. Soldering irons you heat on a gas burner.
we had these in (metal) "shop" in the 7th or 8th grade
>>  32. Using hand signals for cars without turn signals.
I think this is still taught, but rarely tested by the DMV
>>  33. Going to the Store to test your television tubes.
yes and no -- I remember seeing the testing units, but I don't recall having
HAD to use one...
>>  If you remembered 26-33 = You are older than dirt!

considering items 26+ were add-ons to the original quiz, methinks someone
added stuff "he'd been told about" to lower his score back to merely
"old"... :)

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