As of yesterday afternoon all Grote hall switchports have been
re-activated.  There were still some lingering machines that were
infected with the SQL worm that infected some UTC machines this
weekend.  These machines have been patched and all is well in Grote once

Our netblocks continue to get scanned for this vulnerability at a high
rate.  1,723,078 scans since Saturday.  We have been successful at
blocking all of these scans but we need to continue our caution and keep
a close eye on them.

Please beware that there will be more worm, virus, and security breach
attempts on our campus and we must all participate in keeping our
machines patched and updated with the latest bug fixes.

Our security team continues to work diligently on solutions that will
help to ensure the safety of the UTC network.

Thank you,


Russell Leutz
Network Operations Manager
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
CCNA # CSCO10313756
Office: (423) 425-4388
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