Donna Garverick wrote:


> Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 1.3.1
> PA2.0,
> mixed mode)
> i believe the 'mixed mode' piece is saying the jvm is capable of
> running in
> either 32- or 64-bit mode.  we haven't figured out yet how it get it
> to say
> what's the default....or how to explicitly switch it.                 - d

Actually, mixed mode simply means a combination of interpreted and
compiled code, which is the norm for both HotSpot and JIT.

I believe the 64-bit version reports PA2.0W (W=wide) in the version
string.  I'm not sure about it's availability; someone indicated at
least 1.4 might be required.

If you look under /opt/java/bin (or wherever you have java installed)
and don't see a PA_RISC2.0W directory, then I suspect you can't run in
64-bit mode.  If you do have it, I don't know off the top of my head how
to invoke it, but java -X would probably give you the proper option.


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