> At 20/12/02  14:16 -0600, Mike W. wrote:
> >Good luck to you and the team Kuty. I know that will be a tough
> >assignment.
> You should know!   Most of the people can understand the thrill, you know
> the difficulties.  Thanks Mate.

Spent quite a while in the river a couple weeks ago, on a cold and rainy day
looking for a gun for our Sheriff's dept. The thrill disappeared when I swept
my hand across a used syringe buried in the muck. The bad guy had told the
investigator roughly where he had thrown the gun. After the syringe, we popped
back up, asked the investigator if they had a confession from the shooter. He
said that they did, risk assessment kicked in and they will not have a gun to
wave around during the shooter's trial. The district attorney told me last week
that they were adding a charge of assualt to the guy and that he admitted that
he had thrown the gun in the river and told them where he had put it. They
recovered the gun from the back of his mother's house.

> >  Ya'll be safe down there, don't forget the risk assessment!
> You bet!  One of the team members speaks the local language and is in touch
> (telephone) with local divers for information.  Besides, we have our
> regulations and standards and we remember that there is no point in risking
> life for the dead.  I hope it goes well and I will surely write a report
> when I get back.

I hope for the family's sake that ya'll are successful and they can put some
closure to their grief.

> Take care.
> With best regards
>                        Kuty

Mike Wallace
34D 47.534N
086D 34.132W