On Mon, 23 Dec 2002 15:58:24 +1100, David Strike <[log in to unmask]>

>I've been uncharacteristically quiet <bwg> 'cause I got caught up in other
>things, but this morning I did see, posted onto one of the newsgroups a
>report from today's Gold Coast Bulletin about a diver who was  diving one of
>the Brisbane wrecks when he was attacked by a wobbegong.  The beastie
>munched on his groin and he required stitches to the wound.

> Had we known, however, of this
>predilection for important parts of the body we may not have been quite so
>blase about swimming around them!)  :-)

I just saw on CNN News today 30 Dec 2002 that some snorkeler in GBR was
'attacked' by a shark.

Could that be the same shark that had acquired the taste?  :-))

-- Bob.