On Wed, 18 Dec 2002 21:16:18 +1100, David Strike <[log in to unmask]>

>On Wednesday, December 18, 2002 12:18 AM, Huw wrote:

>> The gloomy light levels, green rather than blue water, mean she is
>> encrusted rather than coraled, and give the whole dive the atmosphere of
>> immaculate UK wreck with the water warmed up, and simply smothered in
>> astounding qualtities of tropical life.  We were constantly parting thick
>> curtains of baitfish, and the shape of the wreck shimmered and pulsed as
>> the schools swirled around.
>Mate!  That's sheer poetry - I love it!  :-)

Thank you.  I've learned from a master!  :-)

>> Being cautious, we had planned two minutes @ 24m, followed by 1@18, 1@12,
>> 2@9 and [log in to unmask]  What I hadn't allowed for was how fast the stinger would
>> *clock up* deco during the deep stops...  the worst case was on the way
>> from 18 to 12, where it briefly showed a rather heart sinking 19 minutes
>> surface!
>Now I just have to ask: Why that particular regimen?  (The reason that I
>is, it seems to me, that the depth increments chosen by you are up the shit
>bonza!)  :-)))))))

You didn't like it then!  (I thought it was a work of art!  Why do I feel
like a lamb being led to the slaughter right now? :-))))

>> felt great on the boat, so I must have got it right.
>I don't doubt, for one minute, that you got it right.  But what was the
>basis for doing it?  :-)

Well, because it was going to be an aggressive dive, I'd consulted my
Buhlmann tables for 32%, which had told me no stop at 36m was 17 minutes,
and up to 25 mins had a 5 mins stop at 6m.  My custom tables (with gradient
factors 80/20 and a safety factor) gave 1@12, 1@9, 4@6 for 20 mins at 36m.

So, being conservative I planned for 1@12, 2@9, 5@6 as formal deco for
anything up to 20 mins.

First microbubble stop is halfway between max depth and first formal stop,
or 24m, so I planned a full 2 mins there.  The second microbubble stop
would then be 14m, but this seemed pretty close to 12, so I split the
difference and called it 18.

Wodya fink?  :-)
