On Thu, 5 Dec 2002 05:08:06 -0500, Krazy Kiwi Viv <[log in to unmask]>

>While I was folding up my placard that said 'Heritage list Ningaloo Reef'
>to put in the boot of the car a group of businessmen passed by.  One of the
>smartalecs jumped out at me & sarcastically said "out of curiosity have you
>ever been to the Ningaloo Reef?".  No second guesses that this guy was on
>the side of the developer.  Put him back in his box quicksmart with the
>response "Yes, many times. Have dived there on a regular basis. Involved
>with various research projects at Coral Bay and helped out with a book
>about the Ningaloo Reef. Know very well the owners of the major holiday
>village at Coral Bay & also know the majority of the locals by their first
>names, do you?".  He quickly scuttled off sideways like a crab before I had
>time to really glare at him & ready my claws.  I really hate it that the
>developers & their mates think we all are just renta-crowd ring-ins.

ROTFL!  I would have paid good money to have seen the look on his face... :-

>So, any luck getting a "template" for a dive report webpage?
>I think I need something like that ..

You wanna template?  Just ask!

>but I need to pull my finger out &
>get some pics scanned first. Looks like I will be busy on the office slide
>scanner during the holiday break to catch up on the backlog of my better
>pics as my web page has not been updated since the Coz99NEDfest. It's
>always been a tomorrow job .. slack aye :-(

You, Crusty, Don, Dennis and Brad all owe us photo galleries from the
CAIV...  and we ain't forgetting!
