Mark Wonsil <[log in to unmask]> wrote in message news:<[log in to unmask]>...
> Mr. Senn pens:
> > Now, I wonder if way back when Carly and Mike had their first "chat",
> > Mike said, "Yeah, the merger makes good business sense, you be CEO,
> > I'll be Pres, we'll get the merger done, then for 15 mill or so,
> > I'll go on to other things."
> I'm starting to wonder if the conversation went more like this:
> MC: "Listen Fiorino, you don't know squat about running a computer
> company."
> CF: "Business is business."
>> New CXO Really mean: "Business is monkey business..."
>>     Keep the Business for themself, not for stockholder or public
>>     Formular is Get the Top, use Creative Accounting to make a some
>>     good numbers then make a 8 figures for change and bankrupt,,,
>>     sounds like next hollywood movie theme
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