On Wed, 30 Oct 2002 09:41:36 -0600, Michael Anderson
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>You say that you 'absolutely shudder at the thought of importing a few
>hundred e-mail address into this packaging just sitting as bait for the
>next worm.'
>Import from where?

Addresses have already been collected and will be dumped from db into a csv
text file, then imported.

>What I would do, is keep these addresses on a platform where Worms and
>the like usually don't go, like the HP3000. Also, I'd put them in a
>simple, reliable, and powerful, secure database like Image. Then I'd
>write a little brain-dead (COBOL) program that reads in these addresses,
>and makes use a freeware program like MAILNM to send out your messages,
>one at a time to each address.

Unfortunately, I am dealing with 100% MS.  Could directly interface smpt
with sockets, but would rather use something already written, and easy for
the staff to use.



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