Perhaps AMD will be able to reach into others pockets.

A recent 9/23/2002 item from the AMD Prez and CEO says to be successful they
must build relationships.  This, he said, is more important than even
manufacturing efficiencies.  A big
departure for AMD which, at times, has used lower manufacturing costs to
Intel and build market share.  By the way, AMD, the company with lower
costs, would be better
able to remain profitable in a declining market.  I recall reading that
Intel was eating into R&D.

Per Ford Motor Company's Corporate Security Manual section 2.4.25: "the
opinions expressed in the article are the opinions of the author, not of
Ford Motor Company. "
"Duane Percox" <[log in to unmask]> wrote in message
> Those that are interested in understanding the
> hp/intel perspective on the issues of microprocessor
> architecture and the costs required to build fab
> plants to get the performance using today's (pre ia-64)
> standard cisc/risc architecture should check out this
> book I just read:
> Itanium Rising:
> Breaking through Moore's second law of computing power
> Jim Carlson & Jerry Huck
> Published September, 2002 by Prentice Hall PTR
> Copyright 2002, Paperback, 304 pp.
> ISBN 0-13-046415-5
> This has some history of the project so you can understand
> what motivated the effort and their goals for the project.
> I would suggest (boldly) reading this before trying to
> define your understanding of the computer chip landscape via
> articles from the newspaper :-)
> And BTW - if pc sales are shrinking/stalling this will have a
> much bigger impact on AMD than on hp/intel as AMD has shallower
> pockets and will have significantly less $$ to allocate for
> r&d.
> duane percox
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