Sorry - I've just been re-reading the posts made last week and I see
that the actual directories seem to have capabilities  as well as the
user.   Mark W is saying that HFS directories don't have the
capability I need.

So perhaps I'll be fine just running it from a normal directory.


On Mon, 19 Aug 2002 10:11:35 GMT, [log in to unmask] (Peter
Smithson) wrote:

>I type "VERSION Z" in the /tmp directory and I get this -
>(amongst other stuff).
>I type "LISTGROUP DEV" and I get -
>"RUN Z" says
>"Program requires more capabilities than allowed for the group, the
>user of a temporary file, or the hierarchical directory user. "
>So is it something do with "the heirarchical directory user" ?
>On Thu, 15 Aug 2002 13:31:45 -0500 (Central Daylight Time),
>"VANCE,JEFF (HP-Cupertino,ex1)" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>As Mark has already mentioned you can copy your program to an MPE group with
>>the correct capabilities and run it there, but that should not be necessary
>>if your program needs only the basic caps: IA, BA, PH.  If your program
>>PM, MR or DS then it does need to be copied to an MPE group.  That is
>>POSIX directories do not support any capabilities, but MPE pretends that
>>have IA,BA,PH.  I would think that a simple "hello world" c89 program would
>>run fine from a directory -- lots of other more complicated programs run
>>fine from directories on MPE systems.
>>I assume that, from the shell, you also get an error when doing:
>>  /tmp/Z
>>You might want to run the VERSION utility on Z.  You can do this from
>>the /tmp directory as:
>>  :version z     ## note VERSION does not accept HFS names so
>>                 #  VERSION /tmp/Z gets an error!
>>You should see a line of output like:
>>If Z require more than these capabilities then it does need to be
>>copied to a group, otherwise something else is going on.
>> Jeff Vance, "CSY"
>>> Right, I think I've got my permissions back to how they should be so
>>> I'm trying Mark's suggestion to use "RUN" for a better error message.
>>> Remember this is just a "hello world" C program that I made with "c89"
>>> and copied to /tmp -
>>> ----------
>>> :chdir /tmp
>>> CWD is "/tmp".
>>> :run Z
>>> Program requires more capabilities than allowed for the group, the
>>> user of a
>>> temporary file, or the hierarchical directory user.  (LDRERR 505)
>>> Native mode loader message 505
>>> Unable to load program to be run. (CIERR 625)
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