On Wed, 14 Aug 2002 19:02:05 -0500, Gary <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Funny you should mention that.  I recall, circa. 1992, the Unix SEs in
>my office were all excited about this "new" concept called "print
>spooling". WOW, I remember chuckling to myself thinking, gee, what a
>concept, it's been around for 20 years (if you count the mainframe).

Actually, I first worked with print spoolers in college in the mid-1960's
on a Control Data 3600.  As you say, not a new concept at all.  Many people
that think UNIX is cool, modern, innovative, etc. have not had the
opportunity to experience much else.  After all they are limited by what
they are exposed to in school  --  this is their universe.

HP should have continued "investing" in the educational market with the
HP3000, as they did quite successfully with the HP2000 Time Share Basic
systems in the early 1970's.  Who knows  --  it might have been a different

By the way, Carly must be busy with bottles of super glue trying to put the
HP-Compaq puzzle together.  :-)

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