
I thought I'd relate a few problems we experienced with the new ODBC
drivers (version 6.00.00).  We use the drivers for an Apparel/Factor
Chargeback system using TurboImage.  We found a problem when doing
updates back to the HP.

Here's a synopsis:

version 5.57
Very slow when updating and inserting
Aborts transactions after 30 to 50 tranaactions

version 5.58
Much faster
Didn't abort even after 1300 update transactions

version 6.00
seems to have reverted to 5.57 behaviour
Slower when updating and inserting
Aborts transactions after 90 to 130 tranaactions

So if you have downloaded the ODBC patches from the response center
and are experiencing problems, you may want to get the 5.58 version
and give it a try.

My customer went from very frustrated to very happy once we found the
right combination.

Also for anyone who may be interested.  When looking for an alternate
way to update, we created a routine to package the updates into a job
stream, ftp them to the 3000 then stream a job that executes ISQL.  I
was amazed to find that ISQL inserted hundreds of records in the time
it took to insert just one record through ODBC.

CMT, Inc

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