Unix solutions seem to be winning with Image based answers close behind.
For ease and general availability of the tool/program/utility, Unix is the
winner.  Is anyone aware of any speed comparisons among these various
solutions?  I'm guessing that a database app is going to win because it is
indexed, however, time is taken to do the original indexing.  This is OK on
a multi-use master file but an ad hoc process would have to take the time
for creating the tables into account.  Has anyone seem comparisons between
Image, SQL, Oracle?

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Kell [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2002 1:33 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [HP3000-L] Deduping files (wait a minute)

Wirt Atmar wrote:
> Paul writes:
> > However, Jeff's suggestion, while it eliminates superfluous processes,
> >  NOT "solve" Allen's original request of producing a list of "unmatched"
> >  records.
> That's true. The process Allen requested is going to intrinsically require
> some sort of set subtraction. The processes that have been mentioned up to
> now in POSIX have only been doing set unioning.

My original two-liner did:

> shell/ix> cat OLDFILE NEWFILE|sort|uniq -d>MATCHFIL
> Then MATCHFIL will have the names that are matches.  Then:
> shell/ix> cat NEWFILE MATCHFIL|sort|uniq -u>NOMATCH
> And NOMATCH will have the names that did NOT match.


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