Friedrich Harasleben wrote:
> I have not seen any new messages lately?
> Anything wrong with the list?

Yes, the gateway is down. It went down two weeks ago, was supposed to be
back last Friday, and didn't reappear.

When it comes back, we are promised the backlog.

Although I've kept the ng going for the once-a-day (it seems) posting that
won't make it back across the gateway to HP3000-L, all the fun continues
unabated on the HP3000-L list itself, to which I have subscribed in the

You might want to do the same.

Though I must warn you, there is a great deal of American patriotism and
religion navel-gazing going on at present, to the bemusement of the wider


Roy Brown
Posting with the OEnemy, tamed by OE-QuoteFix

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