On Mon, 17 Jun 2002 10:02:40 -0500, Roy Brown <[log in to unmask]>

>Thanks, Stan - though Greg gets the cigar for a solution that is *less*
>characters than I was previously typing..

Greg definitely gets the cigar for finding it. I hadn't thought of using
that syntax.

>Your suggestion indicates that there might still be something awry with
>QEdit, though....
>Typing (when line 100 doesn't exist):
>/l 100+1
>  100.226
>/l 100/100+1
>  100.217 *************************
>  100.226
>Note that *whatever* line exists at or after 100 (100.217 in this case)
>isn't listed by L 100+1
>But L 100/100+1 shows two lines, neither of which is 100, and one of which
>isn't 100+1.
>Anybody (from Robelle or elsewhere) know the logic behind this?

List obviously has different behaviors depending on the line number(s)
provided. I haven't looked at the actual code but here's my take on it at
the moment.

When the user specifies a precise line number, List insists on finding that
one and nothing else. When the user specifies a relative number (100+1) or
range, it uses the nearest line number. So,

1) /List 100: does not exist, does not return anything
2) /List 100+1: finds the line nearest to 100, gets 100.217, adds "+1" and
returns 100.226.
3) /List 100/100+1: finds the line nearest to 100, gets 100.217, selects it
as the start of range, adds "+1", gets 100.226 and uses it as the end of
the range.

With the planned Set List Nearest On, line 100 would *always* translate
internally to 100.217. Case #1 would get 100.217. Case #3 would get 100.217
and 100.226 as it does now. If we keep the same logic for case #2, it would
have to work the same way.

To make things clearer for the user, we might get Qedit to display a

   Warning: line 100 does not exist. Using 100.217.

If you agree or disagreen, we are open to suggestions, opinions and ideas.

Francois Desrochers
Robelle Solutions Technology Inc.

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