Thanks very much to everyone who replied to my earlier question about
possible ways to determine which DBs are causing (additional) XM

For those who asked, here's a little more background: The system is a
969KS/120 w/1GB RAM, running MPE/iX 5.5 (yeah, I know - long story), and
for the most part has only two applications that use TurboImage DBs, and
all main application have their own volumesets.  The abnormal XM
activity I'm seeing is intermittent and strong.  Everything is fine,
then suddenly XM is kicking in every 20-30 seconds, performing 50-80
I/Os/sec during that time  (all based on Glance thus far).

I do not see any odd job start up (we do have a couple that are well
known), so I'm working on the idea that the change in performance is due
to someone doing something in a session, or via client-server using
Omnidex.  Another good possibility pointed out was a relocated restore,
the access of which could dramatically change XM activity. (Hadn't
thought about that one - - thanks Denys)

During the XM activity, many delicately-balanced applications refuse to
work correctly  - - one being JobPak, in which we have Heavy Production
Dependence - - and another being Reflection (specifically, the PCLINK2
program) so production file transfers don't work.  In fact, I see LOAD,
OUTSPOOL, and DSDAD start to occasionally show up, along with another XM
process (pin 12) and then, well.... let's just say things slow down
after that, shall we?

Now I'm not completely convinced XM is the main issue, but since
everything works otherwise, it's certainly a good place to start <grin>.
 The big question was/is "What's doing it?"  So armed with many good
suggestions, and a few other ideas (Hey DISC! Guess who's gonna call
ya?) I'm hoping to pinpoint the issue and cork it.

I'll keep y'all posted...

Thanks again!

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