Good afternoon,

I've got a dscopy performance problem, need some suggestions
for things to look at.

Dscopy TO this system works file.

Dscopy FROM this system is very slow.

Example, a 150,000 sector file from A to B or A to C takes
30 minutes.  The same file from B to C takes one minute.

I have no problems accessing systemA with telnet, ftp, dsline,
or vt3k.  The only symptom I have is slow dscopies outbound.

In nettool resource I have all ":)" in the display.

Suggestions?  Could the incorrect sqe setting on the transceiver
cause this?

Thanks for any ideas,
Scott Swartzell   IT | Information Technology
9/20 - Mt Antero (14,269')
8 down, 46 to go.........

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