Have you tried Arthur Anderson  ;-) ???


----- Original Message -----
From: "nkile" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2002 10:21 AM
Subject: [UTCSTAFF] shredding service?

> Thanks to all who have provided me names of landscapers. I have a nice
list to
> choose from.
> Thanks to those who offered their filing cabinets. I have one lined up to
> moved to my studio soon, (I hope) pending facilities dept. squeezing me in
> with all the other moves going on right now.
> When it finally does come, I'm going to be doing some serious
> and I now have another question for the collective wisdom of "RAVEN".
> I have a couple of boxes of old exam papers and other assorted unclaimed
> papers from students. I don't want to just throw them out (and take up
> landfill space), yet I don't want to just send them to the re-cycle center
> "whole". Call me paranoid. Is there a document shredding service on
campus? Or
> does anyone have any suggestions on what to do with them?
> Thanks.
> Nora