Fellow list participants: Normally a reader, I cannot let this pass
without comment.

Richard Barker wrote:
> The American government is responsible for the training and supplying of
> arms to Iraq and Afghanistan, because at the time Iraq was fighting Iran and
> Afghanistan was fighting Russia.  Maybe the US should examine it's own
> policies, before declaring a war on terrorism, a situation that it created.

At most I will accept the premise that the United States CONTRIBUTED to
the situations around the world that have given rise to homicide
bombers, be it explosives strapped around their waist or aircraft fully
loaded with fuel as their instruments of attack and destruction. To say
that the United States "created" the situation of the current methods of
terrorism is simply another example of blame America for all the ills of
the world, ignoring your own country's contribution to the current state
of the world.

With regards to the Mossad or CIA killing the immediate families of
homicide bombers and other terrorists, it is said the USSR routinely did
this and the policy is largely the reason you rarely saw the USSR
attacked or any members of Soviet society traveling abroad.

What people like Mr. Barker need to finally realize as some of the
population in the US have finally realized is the militant Islamic
factions seek the destruction of Western society to clear the way for
the return of Islamic domination of the world. They would like to see
the return of the Ottoman Empire worldwide. Terrorists would just as
much like to blow up Mr. Barker and his family as an example and tool to
destroy the West as they would families in America. Mr. Barker - you are
as much a target as anyone in America.

Also a little bit of history for Mr. Barker: If America had not entered
World War II and come to the rescue of Europe from Fascism and Nazism,
he and his family would be either speaking German with a Nazi accent or
have gone up in smoke long ago. Personally I tag the collective "Europe"
attitude exhibited by persons such as Mr. Barker (blame America) with a
massive guilt complex from 1) having to be saved, unable to do it
themselves and 2) as a result having a false superiority complex to mask
the underlying inferiority complex. And yes, I've traveled in central
Europe extensively the last four years and studied it the last 20+

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Satam Marwan UL-Ramman [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: 30 May 2002 03:17
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: [HP3000-L] How To Stop Suicide Terrorists... __`_ juspuwih
> *** Proposal ***
> -
> For every act of suicide terrorism inflected against American citizens, the
> CIA should clandestinely arrange for the execution of the terrorist's
> immediate family.
> -
> Abhorrent as this may seem, it's quite possibly the only thing that can
> vitiate the incentives currently afforded these misguided individuals.
> -
> Right now, a prospective suicide bomber is motivated by the prospect of the
> family being enriched monetarily by his actions and the prestige of being
> regarded as a 'Martyr'. That thinking is likely to change radically if he
> knows his actions would surely result in his wife, children and parents
> being murdered in retribution by the Mossad or the CIA.
> -
> If we're going to call this a war on "Terrorism", than we should start
> fighting it like one!

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