Hello listers,

In my previous post I asked for a Visual Basic program to open a data base
etc. All I really need is the correct format of the data base connection
string and the OpenDatabase method as it applies to HP3000.
This is what I have so far, which is not working.
(This particular example is using VB4.0)

Dim wspRemote As Workspace
Dim dbsRemote As Database
Dim strConnStr As String
strUserName = "MGR.DEV "
strPassword = "PASS "
  & "UID=" & strUserName & "PWD=" & strPassword & ";"
Set wspRemote = DBEngine.Workspaces(0)
Set dbsRemote = wspRemote.OpenDatabase("", False, False, strConnStr)

I get booted out on the Set dbsRemote statement.
What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for your help


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