In message <[log in to unmask]>, F. Alfredo Rego
<[log in to unmask]> writes
>At 7:47 PM -0500 5/15/02, Peter Chong <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>  Of course, it not even close to match with MPE, but better than nothing
>Can our hp marketing friends please come up with a MarketSpeak
>"wrapper" for these kinds of expressions?

That is 'an HPUX expectation rebasing exercise vis a vis MPE, with a
positive outcome'.

Just don't tell them that 'positive' means 'not actually zero or
negative', rather than 'better than before'.

>I find myself deluded with requests to convince company owners

No.... you're deluged. They are the ones who need to be deluded :-)

>(i.e., people with direct financial interest in the success of
>their companies -- not necessarily hired guns who MILK the
>companies with all kinds of wonderful migration goods and
  no, please - 'income redistribution agents with inward-directed channel
attrition, and outward-directed illuminator exchange, capabilities'.

> that getting rid of their hp3000 installations is
>an orders-of-magnitude IMPROVEMENT.

Tell them that once they get rid of their HP3000s, they will never look
back. (Make oblique references to Lot's wife).

Ask them if they wouldn't really like to see their companies put on
explosive growth in the next few years? (Don't explain that this will
all be IT headcount, not turnover or profitability).

Offer them a stuffed penguin for their office if they sign up to Linux.
Then explain you meant 'as a swap'. This will give them some idea of the
relative value of what they will be gaining, and what they will be

Quickly laugh it off, and tell them this is 'the way of the future'
(i.e. they'll be stuffed too, but don't actually say that). Anyway, when
was the last time MPE came with a cuddly toy?

>I need some marketing help, please!

Describe it as offering unrivalled opportunities for tonsorial reduction
and boundary scaling.
 which is a nice way of saying it will have you tearing your hair out
and climbing up the walls....
Roy Brown        'Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be
Kelmscott Ltd     useful, or believe to be beautiful'  William Morris

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