On Thu, 16 May 2002 09:45:01 -0600, Larry Simonsen
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I do not see the need of this on a scheduled job.  we have the setcounter
>commands in the sysstart.pub.sys file and forget it.

The reason I have the SETCOUNTER logic in our backup job is as a fallback
protection in case the system is booted without SYSSTART.  When my S.E.
comes out to do installation of MPE or patches she routinely disables my
SYSSTART and UDC's.  Sometimes, due to time pressures to get the system
back on the air for the users after one of these types of boots, SYSSTART
is never executed.  So, the backup job is there as insurance that
everything gets back to normal without having to worry about what got

Redundancy never hurts.  I have the same philosophy about bugs and often
have them fixed by multiple means to insure they cannot come up again to
bite me.

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