Ron Seybold wrote:
> Hello Friends:
> Duane Percox writes:
> "And vms customers get to keep their openvms, as it will be ported to
> ia-64 as previously announced."
> I've been through five outside analysis articles and three Web sites,
> including HP's, this morning. I visited and Shannon Knows
> [Compaq/HPC]. I didn't spot this OpenVMS announcement. Maybe Duane
> can share the source of his confirmation of this information?

It's in the product roadmap whitepaper on the HP website.

Interestingly, if you go over to comp.os.vms, the loyalists there
are completely underwhelmed by the statement and are looking for
much stronger statements of commitment. Yes, they get to keep
OpenVMS - for now.

> OpenVMS is important to a 3000 customer reading tea leaves about
> their future with HP. CSY tells us that proprietary operating
> environments -- I bet VMS qualifies as one of those -- are declining
> in popularity. Watching what HP does with VMS should confirm that CSY
> viewpoint about non-standard technologies, right?
> Or is it an HP viewpoint about the non-standard technologies which HP
> hasn't been able to sell lately?

Greg Cagle
gregc at gregcagle dot com

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