In message <[log in to unmask]>, Wirt Atmar
<[log in to unmask]> writes
>Gavin writes:
>> So, can anyone think of a reason *not* to prevent messages posed to
>>  comp.sys.hp.mpe from being gatewayed to HP3000-L *if* they were originally
>>  posted to more than one newsgroup?
>>  This would have eliminated the "SKC Morphs Again... We're Now SKHPC" thread
>>  entirely as the message that triggered that message was an advertisement
>>  posted to several newsgroups at once.
>One important thing to mention in all of this is that doing this would have
>zero effect on anyone on the newsgroup side who posts to just comp.sys.hp.mpe
>only, which is of course virtually everyone on that side of the fence. Their
>world would otherwise be unmodified. Their postings would still be gated
>through, as normally done, and the list's would be gated back to the
>The only real difference is that the readers of the newsgroup would have the
>added benefit of still being able to read all of the Shannon Knows postings.
>They would continue to appear there.

If we didn't use our 'Kill Thread' capabilities :-)

Roy Brown        'Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be
Kelmscott Ltd     useful, or believe to be beautiful'  William Morris

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