At 01:09 PM 5/3/2002 -0400, Michael Baier wrote:
>On Fri, 3 May 2002 09:57:27 -0700, Duane Percox <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> >Michael Baier writes:
> >
> >>Paul,
> >>
> >>I agree 100%. So far we got alsmost nothing from HP for
> >>a migration except costs and bills.
> >
> >I guess I'm not doing it right...
> >
> >So far, I have gotten:
> >
> >a. access to a free hp-ux system over the internet (invent9k)
> >   for migration testing.
>What database is on the free system?
>What screen designer?
>What editor?
>What compiler?
>What additional tools for free?
>Training on HP-UX for free?
> >
> >b. knowledge that us and our existing a/n class customers can convert
> >   to hp-ux/9000 with no cost.
>What about the costs for the migration?
>Do you work for free?
>what about the costs for a new database?
>Oracle for free?
>HP-Eloquence for free?
>AcuCobol or Microfocus Cobol for free.
> >
> >c. knowledge that our customers can get a free loaner for up to
> >   6 months from the hp-ux folks.
>A loaner with what?
>Database? Screen-designer? Editor? additional hardware?
>add on software all free?
> >
> >d. support of hp-eloquence from HP in sufficient terms that Speedware
> >   has agreed to upgrade their tools to support it.
> >
> >I would like to point out that if you are a software developer, either
> >as an isv or as a programmer inside a company, you have to take some
> >responsibility for figuring out what your plans and future technologies
> >will look like. And you have to take responsibility for learning these
> >new technologies and for migrating your software to use them.
> >
> >duane percox
>What all have you gotten? Specially for free?

There is NO free lunch!
You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
We had a GREAT ride for 30 years but the old horse is retiring to pasture
and we are now faced with using those much more complex and unreliable
methods to get around.  Consider yourselves lucky that, for as long as you
were part of the MPE community, you evaded the constant mini-migrations
that much of the rest of the IT community considers normal.  Part of the
cause of the demise of the MPE systems is that they don't create a market
churn every 2 years and therefore don't generate enough revenue for HP to
see them as a growth business.

While I am far from being the HP fan that I was a year ago, I think (and
Duane's comments seem to support) that HP has done a fair bit to mitigate
the pain of an MPE to HP-UX migration.  On the topic of an MPE to HP-UX
migration, HP seems to be taking most reasonable steps to ease the
pain.  One might criticize the shortness of some of the overlap periods but
in general HP seems to be taking a reasonable approach. I get the feeling
that much of this help is as a direct effort of CSY lobbying the HP-UX
division rather than the HP-UX division taking any initiative.  I can say
that IBM, at least for vendors, is talking a much stronger tale and that
the HP-UX folks seem to be totally uninterested in the MPE community (or
else they are that arrogant) but time will tell.

HP, IMHO, has so far been evasive or un-responsive to all requests
regarding their stand on the "homesteaders" or the "OpenMPE" camps.  I
guess that from a business perspective, there is no revenue for them in
those models and so they feel that they should not invest any time or

For the sake of the VMS and Tandem folks, lets hope that someone champions
their migration cause as well as CSY has ours.

Brian Duncombe  [log in to unmask]
voice: 1-877-TRIOLET (874-6538) (905)632-2773 fax: (905) 632-8704
"Inside every large program is a small one struggling to get out"
C.A.R. Hoare

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