> On Tuesday, May 28, 2002 12:12 PM, Richard Blackburn wrote:

> It seems to me that far too many operators, hung up on the "buddy system",
> overlook exactly what the term means and put an unfair onus of
> responsibility on one or other of the divers in order to pad out the bottom
> line in their cash till!  :-)

It has been my experience with the boats that I frequent in the Gulf, mostly
Panama City and Destin areas that the Capt's are not as anal about requiring
buddies. I'm sure that it's because we have gotten to know each other and they
pretty much leave me alone. We have never really discussed my solo diving off
their boats though. I come aboard and don't answer any questions posed about
buddies and jump in when it's time. The last time that I was asked who my buddy
was, I told the DM I was diving with Mike today. He nodded his approval and in I
went. Before the second dive, he asked Mike was and I told him he was looking at
him. He nodded his head, smiled, moved on and did not mention it again. Not sure
is this would have been his response had I never been on their boat before. I
have noticed growing numbers of solo's on these boats though.

Dives on these boats are driven by sales and most spots are filled by newer divers
with their instructors with the left over spots taken by folks like myself, there
because they are the only game in town and we just want to get wet, get a couple
decent dives in and head back in to the food and brew. The capt's want everyone
to get in, do their 30 minutes or so, move on the next site and do another 30
minute spot and head back into port for the next load.

> Strike

Mike Wallace