Hi Folks & Folkettes, and Y'ALL!

The Choo-Choo-mini-NEDfest is only 16 days away.  Since I'll be gone
most of the days between now and June 1, I'll try to make this as
self-contained as possible, but will refer attendees and readers to
the revised Bulletin #1 posted on May 14, 2002.

The manifest (DEFINITE attendees of SOME or ALL of the June 1 events):

Carl Allen  (Choo Choo), somputing staff of UTC.edu and diver wannabee.
Mark & Ann Bevelhimer (Oak Ridge, TN)
Nathan & Samuel Bevelhimer (Oak Ridge, TN)
Steve Catron (Nashville TN)
David Hale (Huntsville?, AL)
Jeff Kell (Ringold, GA :-)) Trumpetfish extraordinaire.
Carolyn & Byron Kell (Ringold, GA)  Jeff's Mom and Dad
Al Kirkland (Dahlonega, GA)
Viv the Krazy Kiwi (OZ and NZ)
Sue and Bob Ling (Choo Choo), aka da Feeeshes)
Harold & Muriel Pritchett (Athens, GA)
Harold & Muriel's friends, Don and Pat (Signal Mountains, TN)
Mike & Karen Wallace (Huntsville, AL)
Steve and Donna Weigold (Hamilton, OH)

It rooks rike a mahvellous party we'll have!  There's still plenty of time
for anyone else to decide to attend this mini-NEDfest ... but you need
to let me know soon.  :-)

>>By unanimous lack of objection :-), the main events of June 1 will be:
>>1.   Arrival at Feeesh's NEDfest Headquarters whenever convenient
>>     between 10:00 and 12:15.  Lunch at Chef Lin's BUFFET (5084
>>     S. Terrace Road, Chattanooga TN 37412).  12:30 - 14:30.

See Bulletin #1 for addresses and driving directions.

>>2.   Choo Choo Aquarium after lunch is the unanimous choice.  IMAX
>>     combo seems to stand out, especially in view of the package and
>>     group rates, and it's a short 3D film..   See
>>http://www.tnaqua.org/        :for ALL Aquarium related events
>>http://www.tennis.org/PlanVisit/groupsales.html     :for entrance fees

See Bulletin #1 Note if you need assistance on the purchase of  GROUP
RATE tickets.

>>3.  Free time for small-group dinner or play it by ear before evening party.
>>4.  Evening NEDfest at Feeesh's Headquarters:  20:00 -- ???

From private correspondence as well as information exchanged in Scuba-SE
posts, here are some tidbits of eat, drink, and be merry:

Eats:    Nuts, chips, Salsa ... from requests
         Tim Tams by Viv?
         Vegemite/Marmite from Strike?

Drinks:  Liquors of all kinds available,
         Wine by Steve Weigold from his vinyard.
         "Cold beer" was the only request on beer.  Don't you people
         have preference on BRANDS?   Left to da Feeesh, you are taking
         great chances he may not be able to tell the difference between
         what comes out of a brewery or a camel.  :-)
         A variety of soft drinks are available.

Entertainment:  Dancing wimmin and dancing men have been requested. :-)
        A seahorse pix show.
        A show of pix by Al Kirkland?
        A show of some video clips?
        A show of nighties by Viv?  <BWG>
        But the HIGHLIGHTS will undoubtedly be the unstructured
        mingling among new and old friends and play it by ear on
        what to do the next day, or week, or ... the future.

>>Day 2.  June 2.    All arrangements are "Play it by ear",
>>as many NEDfesters have to leave early for home or w*rk.
>This will likely remain "play it by ear" through June 1.

June 6 (Thursday).  A ride on Mark Bevelhimer's new boat in the
Tennessee River is still on the agenda.

Reminder 1:

>For whose with a phone number within the 50 US States, please email
>me a number you can be reached because it's much easier and quicker
>for me to TALK to you (I have unlimited number of minutes on weekends
>and several hundred minutes on week days to call anyone on my cell
>phone) than via email, especially in view of the short planning
>horizon and the fact that I'll be away from home most of the remaining
>days till June 1!

Reminder 2

>At this time, I solicit info from those who will be at the June 1
>evening party of the Choo-Choo-mini-NEDfest, and have not yet given me
>your list of preferred breverage/munchies at the party.

Reminder 3:

For those who have Crusty's CAIV02NEDfest shirts, don't forget to bring
them to pose at the June 1 party!  :-)

Whatever I've forgotten to mention, I'll have to amend after May 25.

-- Bob.