On Mon, 6 May 2002 15:13:06 -0500, Chuck <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>> >Bob,
>> >If you were floundering drowning 10 feet away, I would throw you an
>> You're as inapt in that as in everything else you do.
>Not at all inept (and at least I can spell).

As in your spelling of "Nashua Grouper"?

>In fact,  I was once a Water Safety Instructor

So, you're saying you are very apt in throwing an anchor to someone
foundering in water, as a Water Safety Instroktor?  Have you checked
your Humor-Impairment-Quotient lately?

Ob scuba:  Chuck, you're rapidly DESCENDING, from a moronic depth to
an idjit abyss.  HOLD YOUR BREATH!  Darwin needs you, and you can help.

-- Bob.