Mary Degallo wrote:
>    ---------------------------------------
>    FILENAME known at RunTime
>    FILENAME is NOT known at COMPILE time.
>    ---------------------------------------
>    C, C++, Java provide a file name that can be specified at RunTime.
>    Where as the way the FD and File Sections in COBOL are,
>     we have to specify the file name at COMPILE time.
>    We have to design our applications around this "feature/limitation".
>    Has anybody, worked around this, using some other "tricks".
>    JCL is one way, but we donot want to get into JCL stuff.
>    How does one do it in a more elegant way?
  I assume that your filename question refers to the HP3000 also, and I
remember being *appalled* that HP would not allow an identifier in the
assign-to clause of the select statement.  As I recall (and this goes
back a while) one is forced to resort to an external OS variable which
can be set before execution via UDC (what most would call a macro) and
referenced thru special-names or something of the sort.

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