"Stan Sieler" <[log in to unmask]> wrote in message
> I'm probably changing my indirect file to add the "ONVS=...".

Too bad STORE doesn't allow ";ONVS=@".   The first step in my "fullbackup"
job is "run buldacct;info='@'".   This creates fresh BULDJOB1 and BULDJOB2
files which get STOREd to the backup tape.  I gave up on the STORE
"....;directory" feature long ago due to its many shortcomings -- mainly
this one.  It's very difficult to keep the "ONVS"  set up-to-date on a
system like mine where volumesets come and go on a daily basis.  I still
have ";directory" in the STORE command (just in case), but I don't really
count on it when planning a "reload" operation.  BULDJOB1 is restored and
STREAMed immediately after an "Install" to recreate all of the needed
directory structures (including setting the "homevs").  Then, all of the
files are RESTOREd from the "/" backup set (with "keep; oldate of course").
I haven't tried this lately, so hopefully BULDACCT still works correctly
(?) ......................

Winston K.

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