More embarassment for Microsoft:

Just in: When it comes to Unix, Microsoft and Unisys are suddenly silent.
The two companies launched a Web site earlier this week seeking to persuade
customers to switch from the Unix operating system to Microsoft software.
But as of midday Tuesday, the "We have the way out" site displayed either
an all-white screen or an "Error 403" authorization message.

Netcraft, which tracks the software running on various sites, reports that
the site is now using Microsoft Internet Information Server software and
Windows 2000.

The "We have the way out" campaign describes Unix as an expensive trap. One
ad reads: "No wonder Unix makes you feel boxed in. It ties you to an
inflexible system. It requires you to pay for expensive experts. It makes
you struggle daily with a server environment that's more complex than ever."

[Last paragraph does make some sense.]

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