On Sun, 28 Apr 2002 06:41:42 -0500, Chuck <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>> For years I've always made my deepest dive first.  Now there's evidence
>> that may no longer be necessary.  I used to think the world was one
>> shape and now I'm convinced and believe that the world is surely
>> round...like a plate.  :-)
>The world is flat and square and carried on the back of a giant tortoise.
>Everyone know that.

Crusty's analogy wasn't well chosen, as wasn't his cite of Dr. Quack's
webpage to question Strike's mention of hot shower that bent divers.

I was trying to tell Crusty there is plenty of evidence that the world
is round, notwithstanding Dr. Quack's assertion (based on a few pre-1980
observations on plates used in Texas barbecues) that the earth is flat.

As for the back on which the world is carried, the Tibetan monks knew
that it had been carried on the back of TURTLES long before god made
tortoises.  There is no scientific evidence that the turtles had
been replaced by tortoises.  That's why in Chinese, to call someone
"son of a turtle" is STILL the most derogatory expression you can
ever bestow on anybody, much worse than calling all non-oriental
folks "devils" -- "white devil" or "black devil" is clarity is
demanded.  :-)

Speaking of scientific evidence and the world, the leading cosmologists
revised the age of the universe down from 14 billion to 13 billion years.
Which begs the question of why it took god 13 billion years before he
learned how to make Adam, and then had to crack a rib from his new
creation to make Eve?

Getting more down to earth, Viv has been very quiet lately because she
has been up to her Kiwi feathers with w*rk and other chores to get ready
for the start of her globetrotting for a month starting on May 17!!!
Thanks to the International Dateline and airline schedule woes, she'll
be able to visit Strike for a day and night on May 31, and still arrive
Choo Choo on May 31, in time to cut the ribbons for the opening
ceremonies of the Choo-Choo-mini-NEDfest on June 1.  :-)

Not much new news on the mini-NEDfest front, so a Bulletin #2 will
probably be after May 10.

The Choo-Choo Aquarium is celebrating it's 10th Anniversary, and the
newspaper today has multiple full-page articles featuring the events.

See:  http://www.tnsqua.org

Senor Caballito (Sea horse) will be the featured attraction.  By
coincidence, I'll be diving in Coz with Caballito del Caribe.  :-)

Adios ... till next time here.  :-)

-- Bob.