On Fri, 5 Apr 2002 14:39:34 +0800, Bjorn Vang Jensen
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Bob wrote:
>> DEMA 2002 will be held in Vegas in October this year.  The last
>> I heard, the pros like Strike, Bjorn, and others will be there.
>I wish. But I'll have to be content with ADEX here in Singapore
>April 18-21.

But those dates are 6 MONTHS away from the DEMA dates.  Just teach
those CAIV02NEDfesters a few Specialty Courses while you're on the
CA-IV will pay for your DEMA trip.  :-)

I can't be in Singapore April 18-21 though we had talked about a
possible NEDfest there.  On those dates, I'll be in Paris, probably
eating FROG LEGS, in that Chinese restaurant in which the owner and
I could only communicate in Cantonese because she speaks no English,
and I speak no French <well, not enough to order Chinese dishes
anyway>.  :-)

>At least Strike and Tricky will be there, so I reckon JM and I might
>have to force some alcohol into them. Somebody's gotta do it.

And JM will be safe from my gastronomical venture in Paris.  :>>

-- Bob.